Immunoprecipitation of COS-7 cell extracts, untransfected or transfected with a construct overexpressing TrCP1-GST using GST (26H1) Mouse mAb #2624. Extracts were incubated with either Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab') 2 Fragment (Sepharose ® Bead Conjugate) (lane 1 and 2) or Protein G Beads (lane 3). The western blot was probed using GST (91G1) Rabbit mAb #2625.
Immunoprecipitation of NIH/3T3 cell extracts using Akt (pan)(40D4) Mouse mAb #2920. Extracts were incubated with either Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab') 2 Fragment (Sepharose ® Bead Conjugate) (lane 1) or Protein G Beads (lane 2). The western blot was probed using Akt (pan) (C67E7) Rabbit mAb #4691.