All lanes : Anti-HABP2 antibody [EPR14551] (ab181837) at 1/50000 dilutionLane 1 : Human fetal liver lysateLane 2 : HepG2 lysateLane 3 : MCF-7 lysateLane 4 : A549 lysateLysates/proteins at 20 µg per lane.SecondaryGoat Anti-Rabbit IgG, (H+L), Peroxidase conjugated at 1/1000 dilution
Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin embedded rat liver tissue sections labeling HABP2 using ab181837 at a 1/100 dilution. A ready to use HRP Polymer for Rabbit IgG was used as the secondary. Hematoxylin counterstain.
Immunocytochemical analysis of formaldehyde fixed HepG2 cells labeling HABP2 using ab181837 at a 1/100 dilution. A Goat anti rabbit IgG (Alexa Fluor®488) was used as the secondary at a 1/200 dilution. Counterstain DAPI.