Western blot analysis of extracts from Hep G2, HeLa, and 293 cells using Catalase (D4P7B) XP ® Rabbit mAb.
Immunoprecipitation of catalase from extracts of HeLa cells using Rabbit (DA1E) mAb IgG XP ® Isotype Control #3900 (lane 2) or Catalase (D4P7B) XP ® Rabbit mAb (lane 3). Lane 1 is 10% input. Western blot analysis was performed using Catalase (D4P7B) XP ® Rabbit mAb.
Confocal immunofluorescent analysis of HeLa cells using Catalase (D4P7B) XP ® Rabbit mAb (green). Actin filaments were labeled with DyLight™ 554 Phalloidin #13054 (red). Blue pseudocolor = DRAQ5 ® #4084 (fluorescent DNA dye).