Anti-NCOA4 antibody (ab89222) at 5 µg/ml + immunogen at 0.2 µgdeveloped using the ECL technique
Anti-NCOA4 antibody (ab89222) at 5 µg/ml + HeLa nuclear extract at 50 µgdeveloped using the ECL technique
ab89222, at 3 µg/ml, staining NCOA4 in formalin fixed, paraffin embedded human pancreas tissue by Immunoperoxidase /Immunohistochemistry.
ab89222, at 10 µg/ml, detecting recombinant tagged NCOA4 in a sandwich ELISA. The detection limit for recombinant tagged NCOA4 is approximately 0.3 ng/ml when using ab89222 as a capture antibody.