ARG52458 anti-TPH1 phospho (Ser58) antibody WB image Western Blot: recombinant tryptophan hydroxylase incubated in the absence (Control) and presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) showing specific immunolabeling of the ~53k tryptophan hydroxylase protein phosphorylated at Ser58 stained with TPH1 (phospho Ser58) antibody (ARG52458).
ARG52458 anti-TPH1 phospho (Ser58) antibody WB image Western blot: recombinant tryptophan hydroxylase incubated in the absence (Control) and presence of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) stained with ARG52458 anti-TPH1 (phospho Ser58) antibody showing specific immunolabeling of the ~53k tryptophan hydroxylase protein phosphorylated at Ser58.