Bcr (A-1): sc-365728. Western blot analysis of Bcr expression in K-562 whole cell lysate.
Bcr HDR Plasmid (h): sc-401514-HDR. Western blot analysis of Bcr expression in non-transfected control (A) and puromycin, Bcr CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid: sc-401514 plus Bcr HDR Plasmid co-transfected (B) HEK 293T whole cell lysates. Blot probed with Bcr (A-1): sc-365728. α-actinin (H-2): sc-17829 used as specificity and loading control.
Bcr (A-1): sc-365728. Western blot analysis of Bcr expression in HEK293 (A), Y79 (B) and Jurkat (C) whole cell lysates.