ERK 5 (C-20): sc-1284. Western blot analysis of ERK 5 expression in HUV-EC-C (A), Caki-1 (B), HeLa (C) and A-10 (D) whole cell lysates.
Western blot analysis of ERK 5 phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), EGF treated (B,E) and EGF and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C,F) HeLa whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-ERK 5 (36.T218/Y220): sc-135761 (A,B,C) and ERK 5 (C-20)-R: sc-1284-R (D,E,F).
ERK 5 (C-20)-R: sc-1284-R. Western blot analysis of ERK 5 expression in non-transfected 293T: sc-117752 (A), human ERK 5 transfected 293T: sc-158487 (B) and HeLa (C) whole cell lysates.
Western blot analysis of ERK 5 phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), EGF treated (B,E) and EGF and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C,F) HeLa whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-ERK 5 (1.T218/Y220): sc-135760 (A,B,C) and ERK 5 (C-20)-R: sc-1284-R (D,E,F).
ERK 5 (C-20) PE: sc-1284 PE. Intracellular FCM analysis of fixed and permeabilized HeLa cells. Black line histogram represents the isotype control, normal goat IgG: sc-3992.
ERK 5 (C-20): sc-1284. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreas tissue showing cytoplasmic staining of islet of langerhans cells.
ERK 5 HDR Plasmid (h): sc-400891-HDR. Western blot analysis of ERK 5 expression in non-transfected control (A) and puromycin treated, ERK 5 CRISPR/Cas9 KO Plasmid: sc-400891 plus ERK 5 HDR Plasmid co-transfected (B) HEK 293T whole cell lysates. Blot probed with ERK 5 (C-20): sc-1284. β-Actinin (C4): sc-17829 used as specificity and loading control.