Adenosine A2A-R (F-10): sc-365235. Western blot analysis of Adenosine A2A-R expression in SH-SY5Y whole cell lysate.
Adenosine A2A-R (F-10): sc-365235. Immunofluores-cence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing membrane localization.
Adenosine A2A-R (F-10): sc-365235. Immunofluores-cence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing membrane localization.
Adenosine A2A-R (F-10): sc-365235. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human spleen tissue showing cytoplasmic staining of cells in white pulp and cells in red pulp.
Adenosine A2A-R (F-10): sc-365235. Western blot analysis of Adenosine A2A-R expression in HeLa whole cell lysate.