NCI-H1299 non-small cell lung tumor cells were transfected with the eukaryotic expression vectors pcDNA3.1/V5 (lanes 1,2), pCMV-GLUT10 (lanes 3,4), and pCMV-GLUT1 (lanes 5,6). GLUT10 was detected.
Cochlear sections from the organ of Corti.
NCI-H1299 non-small cell lung tumor cells were transfected with the eukaryotic expression vectors pcDNA3.1/V5 (lanes 1,2), pCMV-GLUT10 (lanes 3,4), and pCMV-GLUT1 (lanes 5,6). GLUT10 was detected using LS-C2788.
Cochlea from embryonic mice and mice up to 1 year old were removed and the pure membrane fraction loaded on 4-20% SDS gel, Following electrophoresis, transfer and blocking, the blot was incubated overnight at 4 degrees C with the GLUT10 primary antibody at a 1:500 dilution followed by incubation with secondary antibody at a 1:3000 dilution for 1 h at room temperature. Protein bands were visualized on x-ray film with SuperSignal west Femto chemiluminescent substrate. Lanes contain 10 ug of protein.