Western blot analysis of extracts from U-2 OS cells, untreated or synchronized in mitosis by thymidine block followed by release into nocodazole, using Phospho-TCTP (Ser46) Antibody.
Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human breast carcinoma, control (left) or lambda-phosphatase-treated (right), using Phospho-TCTP (Ser46) Antibody.
Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded HT-29 cell pellets, control (left) or nocodazole-treated (right), using Phospho-TCTP (Ser46) Antibody.
Confocal immunofluorescent analysis of U-2 OS cells using Phospho-TCTP1 (Ser46) Antibody (green). Actin filaments have been labeled with DY-554 phalloidin (red). Blue pseudocolor = DRAQ5 ® #4084 (fluorescent DNA dye).
Flow cytometric analysis of Jurkat cells using Phospho-TCTP (Ser46) Antibody compared to propidium iodide (DNA content).