BRCA1 siRNA (h): sc-29219. Western blot analysis of BRCA1 expression in non-transfected control (A) and BRCA1 siRNA transfected (B) A-431 cells. Blot probed with BRCA1 (C-20): sc-642. α-actinin (H-2): sc-17829 used as specificity and loading control.
BRCA1 (D-9): sc-6954. Western blot analysis of BRCA1 expression in A-431 (A), HeLa (B) and MCF7 (C) nuclear extracts.
BRCA1 CRISPR/CAS9 KO Plasmid (h): sc-400093. Western blot analysis of BRCA1 expression in empty vector control (A) and BRCA1 CRISPR/CAS9 KO Plasmid transfected (B) HEK293T whole cell lysates. Blot probed with BRCA1 (D-9): sc-6954. α-actinin (H-2): sc-17829 used as specificity and loading control.
BRCA1 (D-9): sc-6954. Immunofluorescence staining of formalin-fixed, UVA laser-microirradiated U-2 OS cells showing nuclear staining of cells with DNA damage. Kindly provided by Yang Xiang, Ph.D., Division of Newborn Medicine, Boston Childrens Hospital, Cell Biology Department, Harvard Medical Schoo
BRCA1 (D-9): sc-6954. Immunofluorescence staining of formalin-fixed, UVA laser-microirradiated HeLa cells showing nuclear staining of cells with DNA damage. Kindly provided by Yang Xiang, Ph.D., Division of Newborn Medicine, Boston Childrens Hospital, Cell Biology Department, Harvard Medical School.