Laminin-5 (P3H9-2): sc-13586. Western blot analysis of Laminin α3 (epiligrin) subunit of Laminin-5 expression in conditioned medium from Hu-1 whole cell lysate (A) and human foreskin keratinocytes (B). Kindly provided by Elizabeth A. Wayner of the Univesity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Copyright 1994 by The United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc.
Western blot analysis of Laminin γ-2 subunit of Laminin-5 expression in A-431 conditioned media, immunopreceipitated with Laminin-5 (P3H9-2): sc-13586 (A) and Laminin-5 (P3E4): sc-13587 (B) and detected with Laminin γ-2 (B-2): sc-25341.
Laminin-5 (P3H9-2): sc-13586. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed A-431 cells showing cytoplasmic staining.