Cdc6 (D-1): sc-13136. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing cytoplasmic localization.
Cdc6 (D-1): sc-13136. Western blot analysis of Cdc6 expression in HeLa nuclear extract.
Western blot analysis of Cdc6 phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), serum starved and treated (B,E) and serum starved, serum treated and lambda protein phosphatase (sc-200312A) treated (C,F) HeLa whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-Cdc6 (Ser 54)-R: sc-12920-R (A,B,C) and Cdc6 (D-1): sc-13136 (D,E,F).
Western blot analysis of Cdc6 phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), serum starved and serum treated (B,E) and serum starved, serum treated and lambda protein phosphatase (sc-200312A) treated (C,F) HeLa whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-Cdc6 (Ser 54)-R: sc-12920-R (A,B,C) and Cdc6 (D-1): sc-13136 (D,E,F).