Ab48589, staining CD66b (CEACAM8) by Flow Cytometry. BOSC23 cells were transiently transfected with expression vectors containing either the cDNA of CEACAM1, CEACAM3-8 or PSG. The latter was expressed as a membrane bound fusion protein. Expression of the constructs was tested with monoclonal antibodies known to recognize the corresponding proteins (CEACAM1, 3, 4, 5 and 6: D14HD11; CEACAM7: BAC2; CEACAM8: Tet2; PSG: BAP3; green curves). An irrelevant monoclonal antibody served as a negative control (black curves). For specificity testing, ab48589 was tested on all CEACAM transfectants. A positive signal was obtained only with CEACAM8 (CD66b) transfected cells (red curve).