Anti-DDX39 antibody [2252C4a] (ab50697) + immunized recombinant protein
Anti-DDX39 antibody [2252C4a] (ab50697) at 1/100 dilution + HeLa whole cell lysate at 25 µgSecondaryMouse IgG antibody at 1/2500 dilutiondeveloped using the ECL technique
500µg HeLa cell lysate was prepared in RIPA buffer and immunoprecipitated with 5µg ab50697. The subsequent Western blot was probed with ab50697 at 1/50, followed by TrueBlot anti-mouse IgG at 1/1000. Developed by the ECL technique.
Anti-DDX39 antibody [2252C4a] (ab50697) at 1/100 dilution + NIH3T3 whole cell lysate at 25 µgSecondaryMouse IgG antibody at 1/2500 dilutiondeveloped using the ECL technique
Anti-DDX39 antibody [2252C4a] (ab50697) at 1/100 dilution + F2480 whole cell lysate at 50 µgSecondaryMouse IgG antibody at 1/2500 dilutiondeveloped using the ECL technique