Background-subtracted data values (mean +/- SD, n=2) are graphed.

Background subtracted data values (mean +/- SD, n=2) are plotted.

Assay specificity. Human Recombinant ENO1 protein (800 ng/mL) and the neuron-specific Human recombinant ENO2 protein (800 ng/mL) were analyzed with this kit. Background subtracted data values (mean +/- SD, n=2) are plotted. The dotted line represents O.D. (450 nm) value corresponding to MDD. Note that this kit does not detect ENO2 protein.

Assay specificity. 3 µg/mL of extracts of Human liver homogenate (HLH) and Human heart homogenate (HHH) were analyzed with this kit. The concentrations of ENO1 were interpolated from data values using ENO1 standard curve and graphed in U of ENO1 per µg of extract (mean +/- SD, n=2). The dotted line represents MDD of the assay. The data shows that ENO1 is not detectable in HHH. Since striated muscles of myocardium contain ENO3 homodimers and ENO1/ENO3 heterodimers, the data strongly suggest that the kit is not reactive with muscle-specific ENO3.