Endoplasmic Reticulum Enrichment Assay Kit [NBP2-29482]
Endoplasmic Reticulum Enrichment Extraction Kit [NBP2-29482] - This kit is routinely tested and standardized using 0.5 gram of mouse liver tissue.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Enrichment Extraction Kit [NBP2-29482] - Analysis of ATF6 (3 ug/ml) and GAPDH (0.25 ug/ml). ATF6 is an ER stress-regulated transmembrane transcription factor. The blots were probed with ATF6, stripped and reprobed with GAPDH. Full-length ATF6 was detected in all 3 lanes, and was enriched in the ER fractions. GAPDH was detected in the whole lysate and total ER fraction, but not in the rough ER fraction. ATF6* may represent partial or cleaved/active ATF6.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Enrichment Extraction Kit [NBP2-29482] - Analysis of ATF6 (3 ug/ml) and GAPDH (0.25 ug/ml). ATF6 is an ER stress-regulated transmembrane transcription factor. The blots were probed with ATF6, stripped and reprobed with GAPDH. Full-length ATF6 was detected in all 3 lanes, and was enriched in the ER fractions. GAPDH was detected in the whole lysate and total ER fraction, but not in the rough ER fraction. ATF6* may represent partial or cleaved/active ATF6.