Background-subtracted data values (mean +/- SD) are graphed.
Serum from 10 apparently healthy male donors was measured in duplicate. The mean RBP4 concentration was determined to be 28 µg/mL with a range of 5.3-73 µg/mL.
HEPG2 supernatant was collected at day 2, 4, and 7 diluted 1,000-fold in Sample Diluent NS and assayed. Interpolated values (mean +/- SD, n = 2) are graphed. Samples containing cow, pig, rabbit or goat serum should be diluted such that the serum concentration is less than 0.1%. If more concentrated samples are desired use serum free media.
Background subtracted data values (mean +/- SD, n = 2) are graphed.
The concentrations of RPB4 were measured in duplicate and interpolated from the RBP4 standard curve and corrected for sample dilution. The interpolated dilution factor corrected values are plotted (mean +/- SD, n=2). The mean RBP4 concentration was determined to be 17,741 pg/mL in Human saliva and 17,671 pg/mL in Human urine.