Human RAGE Quantikine SixPak (6 Plates)

Name Human RAGE Quantikine SixPak (6 Plates)
Supplier R&D Systems
Catalog SRG00
Category ELISA Kit
Assay Type Solid Phase Sandwich ELISA
Sample Type Cell Culture Supernates (50 µL), Serum (50 µL), EDTA Plasma (50 µL), Heparin Plasma (50 µL)
Sensitivity 16.14 pg/mL
Range 78 - 5,000 pg/mL (Serum, Heparin Plasma, Cell Culture Supernates, EDTA Plasma)
Format 96-well strip plate
Description The Quantikine Human RAGE Immunoassay is a 4.5 hour solid-phase ELISA designed to measure human RAGE (extracellular domain) in cell culture supernates, serum, and plasma
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Product References

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