Comparison of HIF1 alpha expression in HeLa cell extracts (with and without DFO treatment) by SimpleStep ELISA (barchart) and western blot (top). Background subtracted OD450 nm data from three loading concentrations are shown. The HIF1 alpha detector antibody was used to blot the same lysates as analyzed by SimpleStep ELISA (40 µg loaded/lane). The GAPDH blot is included to show the relative loads of each lysate. In the HeLa cell line, DFO treatment is required to detect HIF1 alpha protein by both SimpleStep ELISA and western blot.

Comparison of HIF1 alpha expression in HeLa cell extracts (with and without DFO treatment) by SimpleStep ELISA (barchart) and western blot (top). Background subtracted OD450 nm data from three loading concentrations are shown. The HIF1 alpha detector antibody was used to blot the same lysates as analyzed by SimpleStep ELISA (40 µg loaded/lane). The GAPDH blot is included to show the relative loads of each lysate. In the HeLa cell line, DFO treatment is required to detect HIF1 alpha protein by both SimpleStep ELISA and western blot.

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