Recombinant Mouse IL-6

Name Recombinant Mouse IL-6
Supplier R&D Systems
Catalog 406-ML-025
Category Protein
Nature Recombinant
Source E. coli-derived, Phe25-Thr211, with an N-terminal Met
Purity >97%, by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and visualized by silver stain.
SwissProt/Accession P08505
Gene Il6
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Product References

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Netrin-1 promotes adipose tissue macrophage retention and insulin resistance in - Netrin-1 promotes adipose tissue macrophage retention and insulin resistance in

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Exposure to atmospheric particulate matter enhances Th17 polarization through the - Exposure to atmospheric particulate matter enhances Th17 polarization through the

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IL-27 acts on DCs to suppress the T cell response and autoimmunity by inducing - IL-27 acts on DCs to suppress the T cell response and autoimmunity by inducing

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Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase mediates inhibition of Th17 differentiation via - Kynurenine 3-monooxygenase mediates inhibition of Th17 differentiation via

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Acteoside suppresses RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis by inhibiting c-Fos - Acteoside suppresses RANKL-mediated osteoclastogenesis by inhibiting c-Fos

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To investigate the necessity of STRA6 upregulation in T cells during T cell - To investigate the necessity of STRA6 upregulation in T cells during T cell

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Host-derived MCP-1 and MIP-1alpha regulate protective anti-tumor immunity to - Host-derived MCP-1 and MIP-1alpha regulate protective anti-tumor immunity to

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CXCL1 can be regulated by IL-6 and promotes granulocyte adhesion to brain - CXCL1 can be regulated by IL-6 and promotes granulocyte adhesion to brain

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Hepatocyte-specific mutation of both NF-kappaB RelA and STAT3 abrogates the acute - Hepatocyte-specific mutation of both NF-kappaB RelA and STAT3 abrogates the acute

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