Recombinant Human Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 5 Enzyme

Name Recombinant Human Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type 5 Enzyme
Supplier Syd Labs
Catalog BP002729-ENZ-213
Category Protein
Prices $160.00, $1,100.00
Sizes 5 µg, 50 µg
Species Reactivities Human
Nature Recombinant
Source E. coli-derived.
Purity > 90% as determined by SDS-PAGE.
Gene PSMA5
Description A single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 277 amino acids (1-241) and having a molecular mass of 30.5 kDa. PSMA5 is fused to a 36 amino acid His-tag at N-terminus.
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