Recombinant Human C4orf7, His-tagged

Name Recombinant Human C4orf7, His-tagged
Supplier Creative Biomart
Catalog C4orf7-903H
Category Protein
Applications ELISA
Nature Recombinant
Source E. Coli.
Purity >95% in SDS gel.
SwissProt/Accession Q8NFU4
Sequence Mature human follicular dendritic cell secreted peptide (Phe 18P -Lys 85 ) 18PVSQDQEREK RSISDSDELA SGFFVFPYPY PFRPLPPIPF PRFPWFRRNF PIPIPESAPT TPLPSEK 85.
Description Recombinant Human C4orf7 encoding the human follicular dendritic cell secreted peptide (FDC-SP) (Phe18P-Lys85) was recombined with His tag at the N-Terminus
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