Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor full length protein

Name Soybean Trypsin Inhibitor full length protein
Supplier Abcam
Catalog ab94845
Category Protein
Applications SDS-PAGE FA
Species Reactivities Soybean
Nature Native
Source Native
Purity > 95 % by SDS-PAGE. ab94845 is immobilized on an agarose resin via coupling to primary amines to create an affinity resin with specificity for a number of serine proteases.
Bioactivity ab94845 binds free trypsin tighter with increasing pH from 4.5-8.0 that allows for a simple gradient to low pH (~2.5-3.0) for elution. Binding capacity: 1 ml resin binds > 2 mg Trypsin Inhibitor protein
Gene PI15
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