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Sam 68 siRNA and shRNA Plasmids (m)

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  • Target species: mouse; for corresponding human product, see Sam 68 siRNA and shRNA Plasmids (h)
  • Gene Silencers generally consist of pools of three to five target-specific 19-25 nucleotide sequences in length
  • For independent verification of Sam 68 gene silencing results, individual duplex components or plasmids are also available upon request
  • Suitable control antibody: Sam 68 Antibody (H-4): sc-514468 is recommended as control antibody for monitoring of Sam 68 expression knockdown by Western blotting or immunofluorescence
  • Get details about si/shRNA Gene Silencers
  • Gene silencers are intended for noncommercial and research use only. Click here for details.


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    • 10 µM, 50-100 transfections
    • siRNA products generally consist of pools of three to five target-specific 19-25 nt siRNAs designed to knockdown gene expression
    • for independent verification of Sam 68 gene silencing results, individual siRNA duplex components are also available upon request
    • suitable control antibody: Sam 68 Antibody (H-4): sc-514468
    • sqRT-PCR Primer also available: Sam 68 (m)-PR: sc-36451-PR, 20 µl
    • Get details about si/shRNA Gene Silencers

    See Protocol Online.




    • 20 µl of each primer set is provided at a concentration of 10 µM
    • Sam 68 Primer (m) includes A set (forward & reverse) and B set (forward & reverse) primers
    • Primer sets are recommended for semi-quantitative nested reverse transcriptase PCR

    See Protocol Online.



    • 20 µg, up to 20 transfections
    • shRNA Plasmids generally consist of a pool of three to five lentiviral vector plasmids each encoding target-specific 19-25 nt (plus hairpin) shRNAs designed to knockdown gene expression
    • shRNA sequences correspond to Sam 68 siRNA Gene Silencer sequences
    • provided as transfection-ready purified plasmid DNA target-specific gene silencing
    • after transfection, cells stably expressing shRNAs can be isolated by puromycin selection
    • shRNA Plasmids are intended only for non-commercial use.
    • suitable control antibody: Sam 68 Antibody (H-4): sc-514468
    • sqRT-PCR Primer also available: Sam 68 (m)-PR: sc-36451-PR, 20 µl

    See Protocol Online.



    • 200 µl viral stock containing 1x 106 infectious units of virus (IFU) , sufficient for 10-20 transductions
    • Lentiviral Particles are provided as transduction-ready viral particles for gene silencing
    • Lentiviral Particles generally contain three to five expression constructs each encoding target-specific 19-25 nt (plus hairpin) shRNA designed to knockdown gene expression
    • shRNA sequences correspond to Sam 68 siRNA Gene Silencer sequences
    • After transduction, stable cell lines expressing the shRNA may be isolated via selection with puromycin
    • Biosafety - Lentiviral Particles are replication-incompetent and are designed to self-inactivate after transduction and integration of shRNA constructs into genomic DNA of target cells.
    • Lentiviral Particles are intended for non-commercial use.

    See Protocol Online.



    Ordering Information

    Product NameCatalog #UNITPriceQtyFAVORITES

    Sam 68 siRNA (m)

    10 µM

    Sam 68 (m)-PR

    10 µM, 20 µl

    Sam 68 shRNA Plasmid (m)

    20 µg

    Sam 68 shRNA (m) Lentiviral Particles

    200 µl