Immunohistochemical staining of Monoacylglycerol Lipase using ab77398 on Formaldehyde-fixed paraffin-embedded mouse adipose tissue sections (from around the kidney). Antigen retrieval step: heat mediated in citric acid HIER. Blocking step: 1% BSA for 10 mins @ rt°C. ab77398 incubated at 1/500 for 2 hours. Secondary Antibody: biotin labelled anti goat IgG used at 1/200. The submitted image shows white fat deposits around the kidney. Dilution factors vary between 1/300-500. There is a pale positivity in the renal tubular cytoplasm which appears to be specific (at lower dilution factor this is more obvious but, in this block the fat was too strongly immunostained). Section was endogenous biotin-blocked prior to incubation with primary Ab.See Abreview