MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded mouse lymph node showing cytoplasmic localization.
MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing cytoplasmic localization.
MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252. Western blot analysis of cleaved MEK kinase-1 expression in A-431 whole cell lysate.
ChIP analysis of cofactor occupancy dynamics on the
KAI1 promoter in 293 cells in response to IL-1β treatment. Antibodies tested include MEK-1 (C-18): sc-219, MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252, HDAC1 (C-19): sc-6298, HDAC1 (H-11): sc-8410 and HDAC1 (H-11): sc-7872. Data kindly provided by M.G. Rosenfeld and reproduced with permission from Baek
et al., Cell 2002, 110: 55-67.
ChIP analysis of cofactor occupancy dynamics on the KAI1 promoter in 293 cells in response to IL-1β treatment. Antibodies tested include MEK-1 (C-18): sc-219, MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252, HDAC1 (C-19): sc-6298, HDAC1 (H-11): sc-8410 and HDAC1 (H-11): sc-7872. Data kindly provided by M.G. Rosenfeld and reproduced with permission from Baek et al., Cell 2002, 110: 55-67.
MEK kinase-1 (C-22): sc-252. Western blot analysis of cleaved MEK kinase-1 expression in HL-60 whole cell lysate.