Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839. Western blot analysis of human recombinant Tak1 fusion protein.
Western blot analysis of Tak1 expression in 3611-RF (A,D), HeLa (B,E) and A-431 (C,F) cell lysates. Antibodies tested include Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839 (A-C) and Tak1 (M-579): sc-7162 (D-F).
Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839. Western blot analysis of Tak1 expression in HeLa (A), 3611-RF (B) and A-431 (C) whole cell lysates and rat thymus (D) and mouse thymus (E) tissue extracts.
Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839. Western blot analysis of Tak1 expression in non-transfected 293: sc-110760 (A), human Tak1 transfected 293: sc-113194 (B) and 3611-RF (C) whole cell lysates.
Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839. Western blot analysis of Tak1 expression in non-transfected: sc-117752 (A) and mouse Tak1 transfected: sc-126071 (B) 293T whole cell lysates.
Tak1 (M-17): sc-1839. Western blot analysis of Tak1 expression in L8 whole cell extract.