p-Shc (Tyr 239/240): sc-101796. Western blot analysis of phosphorylated Shc expression in untreated (A) Insulin-treated (B) and EGF-treated (C) 293 whole cell lysates.
Western blot analysis of Shc phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), EGF treated (B,E) and EGF and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C,F) HEK293 whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-Shc (Tyr 239): sc-101796 (A,B,C) and Shc (H-108): sc-1695 (D,E,F).
Western blot analysis of Shc phosphorylation in untreated (A,D), serum starved and EGF treated (B,E) and serum starved, EGF and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C,F) HEK293 whole cell lysates. Antibodies tested include p-Shc (Tyr 239): sc-101796 (A,B,C) and Shc (H-108): sc-1695 (D,E,F).