IHC for USP2a in a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human prostate sample. Cytoplasmic positive immunostaining was detected in tumor glands (ii), whereas in normal prostatic epithelium, USP2a expression was restricted to the basal layer.
Western blot of USP2 (arrow) using rabbit polyclonal USP2 Antibody (T22). 293 cell lysates (2 ug/lane) either nontransfected (Lane 1) or transiently transfected (Lane 2) with the USP2 gene.
Western blot of lysate from R. heart cell line, using USP2 Antibody (T22). Antibody was diluted at 1:1000. A goat anti-rabbit IgG H&L (HRP) at 1:10000 dilution was used as the secondary antibody. Lysate at 20ug.
Western blot of USP2 Antibody in HL60 cell line lysates (35 ug/lane). USP2 (arrow) was detected using the purified antibody.