Western Blot: Osteopontin/OPN Antibody [NB600-1043] - Used at a 1:1,000 dilution to detect Osteopontin by Western blot. In lane 2, reactivity is shown against 250 ng of human osteopontin. Lane 3 shows reactivity of MMP-cleaved osteopontin. Lane 1 shows the position of molecular weight markers. Use a 1:10,000 dilution of HRP conjugated Gt-a-Rabbit IgG for detection.
Immunohistochemistry: Osteopontin/OPN Antibody [NB600-1043] - Used at a 1:100-1:300 dilution to detect osteopontin by immunohistochemistry. Osteopontin is a normal component of elastic fibers in the breast (shown heavily stained in this section of human breast tumor cells). There is also weak staining of the extracellular matrix. Osteopontin is not expressed in breast tumor cells, and there is no staining of the breast cells in this section. No antigen retrieval is required.