Western blot analysis of extracts from HeLa cells, transfected with 100 nM SignalSilence ® Control siRNA (Fluorescein Conjugate) #6201 (-) or SignalSilence ® Bad siRNA I (+), using Bad Antibody and p42 MAPK Antibody #9108. The Bad antibody confirms silencing of Bad expression, while the p42 MAPK antibody is used to control for loading and specificity of Bad siRNA.
Western blot analysis of extracts from 293 cells transfected with Wild-type Bad, Bad (Ser112A), Bad (S136A), Bad (S112A/S136A) and treated with TPA or forskolin, using Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody (upper) or Bad Antibody #9292 (lower).
After the primary antibody is bound to the target protein, a complex with HRP-linked secondary antibody is formed. The LumiGLO ® is added and emits light during enzyme catalyzed decomposition.
Western blot analysis of extracts from HeLa cells, transfected with 100 nM SignalSilence ® Control siRNA (Fluorescein Conjugate) #6201 (-) or SignalSilence ® Bad siRNA II (+), using Bad Antibody and α-Tubulin (11H10) Rabbit mAb #2125. The Bad antibody confirms silencing of Bad expression, while the α-Tubulin (11H10) Rabbit mAb is used to control for loading and specificity of Bad siRNA.
Western blot analysis of GST-Bad, phosphorylated by CKII or PKA in vitro, using Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody #9291 (top), Phospho-Bad (Ser136) Antibody (middle) or Bad Antibody #9292 (bottom).
Western blot analysis of extracts from COS cells, untreated or TPA-treated, using Bad Antibody (right) or Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody #9291 (left).
Western blot analysis of Bad fusion protein phosphorylated by CKII or PKA in vitro, using Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody (upper) or Bad Antibody #9292 (lower).
Western blot analysis of extracts from 293 cells transfected with Wild-type Bad, Bad (Ser112A), Bad (S136A) or Bad (S112A/S136A), untreated, TPA-treated or forskolin-treated, using Phospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody #9291 (top), Phospho-Bad (Ser136) Antibody #9295 (middle) or Bad Antibody (bottom).
Flow cytometric analysis of COS cells, untreated (blue) or Calyculin A/TPA-treated (green), usingPhospho-Bad (Ser112) Antibody compared to Rabbit (DA1E) mAb IgG Isotype Control #3900 (red).