Laminin γ-2 (B-2): sc-25341. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreatic cancer showing cytoplasmic and membrane staining of tumor cells. Kindly provided by The Swedish Human Protein Atlas (HPA) program.

Laminin γ-2 (B-2): sc-25341. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human breast carcinoma tissue showing cytoplasmic and exracellular localization.

Western blot analysis of Laminin γ-2 subunit of Laminin-5 expression in A-431 conditioned media, immunopreceipitated with Laminin-5 (P3H9-2): sc-13586 (A) and Laminin-5 (P3E4): sc-13587 (B) and detected with Laminin γ-2 (B-2): sc-25341.

Laminin γ-2 (B-2): sc-25341. Western blot analysis of Laminin γ-2 expression in A-431 whole cell lysate.