α-sarcoglycan (F-7): sc-390647. Western blot analysis of α-sarcoglycan expression in human skeletal muscle tissue extract.
alpha;-sarcoglycan (F-7): sc-390647. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human skeletal muscle tissue showing membrane and cytoplasmic staining of myocytes.
-sarcoglycan CRISPR/CAS9 KO Plasmid (m): sc-422904. Western blot analysis of -sarcoglycan expression in empty vector control (A) and -sarcoglycan CRISPR/CAS9 KO Plasmid transfected (B) NIH/3T3 whole cell lysates. Blot probed with -sarcoglycan (F-7): sc-390647. β-actin (C4): sc-47778 used as specificity and loading control.