Western blot of chicken brain tissue incubated with CLC4 Antibody (C-term) (Cat.# AP6329f). Data courtesy of Emily McMains, Louisiana State University.
Immunofluorescence image of cultured chick retinal amacrine (neuronal) cells labeled with CLC4 Antibody (C-term) (Cat # AP6329f). Data courtesy of Emily McMains, Louisiana State University.
Retinae were collected from adult White Leghorn chicken and fixed in the eyecup for two hours in 4% Paraformaldehyde (in PBS). Retinae were then removed from the eyecups and incubated in 30% sucrose (in PBS) overnight. Retinal tissue was embedded and frozen in OCT compound and cut into ~15um sections on a cryotome. Sections were blocked in 5% normal goat serum (in 1%BSA/.1%saponin PBS) for one hour and then incubated at RT with 1:250 (1%BSA/.1% saponin PBS) ClC4 antibody (Cat.# AP6329f) for 1 hour. Sections were then washed in PBS (3X10minutes) and then treated with secondary antibody (1:500 Cy3) for one hour. After another PBS wash series, sections were coverslipped and antibody labeling was visualized at 20X with a Leica upright microscope using a TRITC filter set and Xenon lamp illumination. (Crousillac et al, 2003)