ab67126 staining Borealin/CDCA8 in HeLa cells by Immunocytochemistry/ Immunofluorescence. The cells were fixed in paraformaldehyde, permeabilised in 0.1% Triton and then blocked using 10% BSA for 1 hour at 23°C. Samples were then incubated with primary antibody at 1/200 for 1 hour at 23°C. The secondary antibody used was a mouse IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor® 594 (red) used at a 1/300 dilution.When fixed in PFA, the antibody stains the centromere in metaphase and the midzone in anaphase, as expected for Borealin, a CPC protein. Borealin (red), Kinetochores (green), DAPI (blue).See Abreview