XRCC1 (H-300): sc-11429. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded mouse lung tissue showing nuclear localization.
XRCC1 (H-300): sc-11429. Western blot analysis of XRCC1 expression in NIH/3T3 + UV whole cell lysate.
XRCC1 (H-300): sc-11429. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human malignant melanoma showing nuclear staining of tumor cells. Kindly provided by The Swedish Human Protein Atlas (HPA) program.
XRCC1 (H-300): sc-11429. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human bronchus tissue showing nuclear staining of respiratory epithelial cells.