ab123449 at 0.125µg/ml staining CTIP2 in Jurkat cells by Immunocytochemistry. (N.B. cells were stained for 2h at room temperature in 3% BSA blocking solution.)
ab123449 at 0.125µg/ml staining Ctip2 in Jurkat cells by Flow Cytometry (red) or an equal amount of an FITC conjugated control antibody (black) in 3% BSA block.The Jurkat cells show a clear CTIP2 specific signal
ab123449 at 0.125µg/ml staining Ctip2 in SH-SY5Y cells by Flow Cytometry (red) or an equal amount of an FITC conjugated control antibody (black) in 3% BSA block. The SH-SY5Y cells do not show significant CTIP2 signal over the negative control signal.