Example of a typical STAT3 cell lysate dilution series. Raw data values are shown in the table. Background-subtracted data values (mean +/- SD) are graphed.
Induction of STAT3 (pY705) phosphorylation in A431 cells in response to EGF treatment. A431 cells were cultured in 96-well tissue culture plates and treated (15 min) with a dose-range of EGF before cell lysis. Data from quadruplicate measurements of STAT3 (pY705) are plotted and compared against total STAT3 protein levels. Comparative STAT3 (pY705) and STAT3 (Total) data also shown by Western Blot.
Cell line analysis for Total STAT3 from 200 µg/mL preparations of cell extracts. Data from triplicate measurements (mean +/- SD) are plotted and compared to 1X Cell Extraction Buffer PTR (zero).
Linearity of dilution in representative sample matrices. Cellular lysates were prepared at 3 concentrations in common media containing 1 x Cell Extraction Buffer PTR. Data from duplicate measurements of STAT3 (Total) are normalized and plotted.