Gene Symbol CIRH1A
Entrez Gene 84916
Alt Symbol CIRHIN, NAIC, TEX292, UTP4
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description cirrhosis, autosomal recessive 1A (cirhin)
Other Description UTP4, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog|cirhin|testis expressed gene 292
Swissprots Q969X6 Q96T13 Q8NCD9 Q9BWK6 Q96SR9 Q8TF14 Q96SZ9 Q96SP0
Accessions CCO13709 EAW83251 EAW83252 EAW83253 EAW83254 EAW83255 EAW83256 EAW83257 Q969X6 AB075868 BAB85574 AK027419 BAB55100 AK027445 BAB55116 AK027584 BAB55212 AK027634 BAB55251 AK027675 BAB55287 AK074795 BAC11214 AK310104 BC000167 AAH00167 BC009348 AAH09348 BX647265 CA430627 DA277545 XM_005256204 XP_005256261 XM_005256205 XP_005256262 NM_032830 NP_116219
Function May be a transcriptional regulator. Acts as a positive regulator of HIVEP1 which specifically binds to the DNA sequence 5'-GGGACTTTCC-3' found in enhancer elements of numerous viral promoters such as those of HIV-1, SV40, or CMV. Ribosome biogenesis factor involved in small subunit (SSU) pre-rRNA processing at sites A', A0, 1 and 2b. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:19732766, ECO:0000269|PubMed:22916032}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus, nucleolus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12429849, ECO:0000269|PubMed:16225863}.
Top Pathways Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotes

Human CIRH1A gene - orb91074 from Biorbyt

Prices $264.00
Sizes 10 μg
Species Human

Human-CIRH1A-cDNA-Clone - DC02630 from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Prices $926.10
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human
Accession BC009348

CIRH1A - MBS1267523 from MyBioSource

Human CIRH1A ORF clone(NM_032830.2) - CDCL183573 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_032830.2

Human CIRH1A ORF Clone(NM_032830.2) - CDCL158898 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_032830.2

Human CIRH1A ORF Clone(NM_032830.2) - CDCL158899 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_032830.2

Human CIRH1A ORF Clone(NM_032830.2) - CDCL158900 from Creative Biomart

Species Human
Accession NM_032830.2

Human CIRH1A ORF clone(NM_032830.2) - CDCL183573 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human CIRH1A ORF Clone (BC009348) - CDCS416393 from Creative biogene

Species Human
Accession Q969X6
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