
Gene Symbol CD302
Entrez Gene 9936
Alt Symbol BIMLEC, CLEC13A, DCL-1, DCL1
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description CD302 molecule
Other Description C-type lectin domain family 13, member A|CD302 antigen|DEC205-associated C-type lectin 1|type I transmembrane C-type lectin receptor DCL-1
Swissprots Q8IX05 A8K5G4 B4E2T9 Q15009
Accessions AAY14942 EAX11399 Q8IX05 AF499000 AAN77050 AK125081 AK291279 BAF83968 AK304422 BAG65251 AY314007 AAP79900 BC020646 AAH20646 CB240843 D14664 BAA03498 DB217404 DB460994 NM_001198763 NP_001185692 NM_001198764 NP_001185693 NM_014880 NP_055695
Function Potential multifunctional C-type lectin receptor that may play roles in endocytosis and phagocytosis as well as in cell adhesion and migration. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17947679}.
Subcellular Location Membrane {ECO:0000305}; Single-pass type I membrane protein {ECO:0000305}. Cell projection, filopodium {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17947679}. Cytoplasm, cell cortex {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17947679}. Cell projection, microvillus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17947679}. Note=Colocalizes with F-actin in filopodia, cellular cortex and microvilli of the apical cell surface.
Tissue Specificity Expressed at moderate levels in monocytes, myeloid blood dendritic cells and granulocytes and at low levels in plasmacytoid blood dendritic cells, monocyte-derived ma crophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells, with no expression detected in T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes and natural killer cells (at protein level). Expressed widely in different tissues, with highest expression levels in liver, lung, peripheral blood leukocytes and spleen, and lowest levels in neuronal tissues, skeletal muscle and ovary. Isoform 2 and isoform 3 are expressed in malignant Hodgkin lymphoma cells called Hodgkin and Reed- Sternberg (HRS) cells. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12824192, ECO:0000269|PubMed:17947679}.

Human DCL-1 full length protein - ab160723 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
ab160723 on a 12.5% SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie Blue.

CD302 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E8259 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

Recombinant Human CD302/CLEC13A Protein - H00009936-P01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $369.00, $529.00
Sizes 10 µg, 25 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

Recombinant Human CD302/CLEC13A Protein - H00009936-G01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $569.00
Sizes 10 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

DCL-1-Antibody-Center-Blocking-Peptide - BP6522c from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Category Peptide
Prices $80.00
Sizes 100 µg

Human CLEC13A Protein - abx066165 from Abbexa

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

CD302 / DCL1 - H00009936-G01 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $550.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

CD302 / DCL1 - H00009936-P01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

CD302 / DCL1 - H00009936-P01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Species Human

CD302 fusion protein - Ag9873 from Proteintech Group

Category Protein
Prices $199.00
Sizes 50 μg
Source E. coli -derived, PET28a
Species Human

CD302 fusion protein - ag9557 from Proteintech Group

Category Protein
Source E. coli-derived, PGEX-4T
Species Human
CD302 fusion protein ag9557 SDS-PAGE

Recombinant Human CD302, His-tagged - CD302-10944H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

Recombinant C-Type Lectin Domain Family 13, Member A (CLEC13A) - RPB733Hu01 from Uscn Life Science Inc.

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

Recombinant C-Type Lectin Domain Family 13, Member A (CLEC13A) - RPB733Mu01 from Uscn Life Science Inc.

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Mouse

Recombinant C-Type Lectin Domain Family 13, Member A (CLEC13A) - RPB733Hu01 from Cloud-clone

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

Recombinant Human CD302 antigen(CD302) - CSB-YP818249HU CSB-EP818249HU CSB-BP818249HU CSB-MP818249HU from Cusabio

Category Protein
Source Yeast or E.coli or Baculovirus or Mammalian cell
Species Human

C-Type Lectin Domain Family 13, Member A (CLEC13A) - RPU141042 from Biomatik

Category Protein
Prices $231.00, $462.00, $693.00
Sizes 10 µg, 50 µg, 100 µg
Source E.coli
Species Human

CD302 / DCL1 - TP313785 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $680.00
Sizes 20 µg
Source HEK293 cells
Species Human
CD302 / DCL1

CD302 antigen (CD302), Recombinant Protein - MBS1427517 from MyBioSource

Category Protein
Prices $885.00, $885.00, $1,110.00, $1,110.00, $1,300.00, $1,300.00, $1,755.00, $1,755.00
Sizes 500 µg (E-Coli), 50 µg (Baculovirus), 500 µg (Yeast), 50 µg (Mammalian-Cell), 1 mg (E-Coli), 100 µg (Baculovirus), 1 mg (Yeast), 100 µg (Mammalian-Cell)
Source E Coli or Yeast or Baculovirus or Mammalian Cell
Species Human

CD302 antigen (CD302), Recombinant Protein - MBS1183230 from MyBioSource

Category Protein
Prices $1,305.00, $1,305.00, $1,760.00, $1,760.00
Sizes 1 mg (E-Coli), 100 µg (Baculovirus), 1 mg (Yeast), 100 µg (Mammalian-Cell)
Source E Coli or Yeast or Baculovirus or Mammalian Cell

CD302 Peptide, Human - M34GP02738H from Creative Peptides

Category Peptide
Source Synthetic.
Species Human

Recombinant C-Type Lectin Domain Family 13, Member A (CLEC13A) - RPU41042 from Biomatik

Category Protein
Prices $185.00, $378.00, $578.00, $688.80
Sizes 10 µg, 50 µg, 100 µg, 200 µg
Source E.coli
Species Human

CD302 Recombinant Protein (OPCD02252) - OPCD02252 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Human

Recombinant Human CD302 - 230-00817-10 from RayBiotech

Category Protein
Species Human

CD302 / CLEC13A, Recombinant Protein - MBS2547296 from MyBioSource

Category Protein
Prices $375.00, $905.00
Sizes 20 µg, 100 µg
Source Human Cells
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