Gene Symbol PCDHGA12
Entrez Gene 26025
Alt Symbol CDH21, FIB3, PCDH-GAMMA-A12
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 12
Other Description cadherin 21|cadherin-21|fibroblast cadherin FIB3|fibroblast cadherin-3|protocadherin gamma-A12
Swissprots Q9Y5D7 Q6UW70 O15100 O60330
Accessions EAW61945 EAW61961 O60330 AB000897 BAA21135 AB011160 BAA25514 AF152321 AAD43715 AF152506 AAD43767 AL589367 AY358946 AAQ89305 BC172309 AAI72309 NM_003735 NP_003726 NM_032094 NP_115265
Function Potential calcium-dependent cell-adhesion protein. May be involved in the establishment and maintenance of specific neuronal connections in the brain.
Subcellular Location Cell membrane {ECO:0000250}; Single-pass type I membrane protein {ECO:0000250}.

Mouse PCDHGA12 ORF clone (NM_032094.1) - CDCL146789 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human PCDHGA12 ORF clone (NM_003735.2) - CDCL146791 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human PCDHGA12 cDNA Clone(NM_032094.1) - CDFG005666 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human PCDHGA12 cDNA Clone(NM_003735.2) - CDFH013822 from Creative biogene

Species Human
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