
Gene Symbol Mybl2
Entrez Gene 17865
Alt Symbol B-Myb, Bmyb
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description myeloblastosis oncogene-like 2
Other Description myb-like protein 2|myb-related protein B
Swissprots P48972
Accessions CAA51511 EDL06316 P48972 AK028497 BAC25979 AK183670 AK184787 AK199400 AK207983 AK215181 BC050842 AAH50842 BC117945 X70472 CAA49898 XM_006498873 XP_006498936 XM_006498875 XP_006498938 XM_006498876 XP_006498939 XM_006498878 XP_006498941 XM_011239340 XP_011237642 NM_008652 NP_032678
Function Transcription factor involved in the regulation of cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation. Transactivates the expression of the CLU gene (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus.
Top Pathways HTLV-I infection

SimpleChIP ® Mouse B-Myb Intron 2 Primers - 13707 from Cell Signaling Technology

Category ChIP Kit
Prices $102.00
Sizes 500 µl (250 PCR reactions)
SimpleChIP ® Mouse B-Myb Intron 2 Primers were tested on DNA isolated from cross-linked cells using the SimpleChIP ® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Magnetic Beads) #9003. Real-time PCR was performed in duplicate on a serial dilution of 2% total input DNA (20 ng, 4 ng, 0.8 ng, and 0.16 ng) using a real-time PCR detection system and SYBR ® Green reaction mix. The PCR amplification efficiency (E) and correlation coefficient (R 2 ) were calculated based on the corresponding threshold cycle (C T ) of each dilution sample during 40 cycles of real-time PCR (95°C denaturation for 15 sec, 65°C anneal/extension for 60 sec).

Mouse Mybl2 ELISA Kit - E090503 from Biobool

Category ELISA Kit
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