Gene Symbol ZNF75A
Entrez Gene 7627
Alt Symbol -
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description zinc finger protein 75a
Other Description zinc finger protein 75A
Swissprots Q96N20 Q92669 Q0VDI8
Accessions CAA62935 EAW85374 EAW85375 EAW85376 EAW85377 Q96N20 AK056091 BAB71092 AK093979 BC039601 BC051366 AAH51366 BC119652 AAI19653 BC119653 AAI19654 BC150306 BX324672 CR749782 CAH18648 DA735154 DB249528 NM_001302109 NP_001289038 XM_011522646 XP_011520948 XM_011522647 XP_011520949 XM_011522648 XP_011520950 XR_932919 NM_153028 NP_694573 NR_126069
Function May be involved in transcriptional regulation.
Subcellular Location Nucleus {ECO:0000305}.

Human ZNF75A full length protein - ab159852 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
ab159852 on a 12.5% SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie Blue.

Human ZNF75A protein fragment - ab159853 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
ab159853 on a 12.5% SDS-PAGE stained with Coomassie Blue.

Human ZNF75A protein fragment - ab152072 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source E. coli
Species Human

ZNF75A Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E5883 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

ZNF75A Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E12953 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

Recombinant Human ZNF75A Protein - H00007627-P01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $369.00, $529.00
Sizes 10 µg, 25 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

ZNF75A Partial Recombinant Protein - H00007627-Q01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $369.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

ZNF75A-Antibody-Center-Blocking-Peptide - BP18436c from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Category Peptide
Prices $80.00
Sizes 100 µg

ZNF75A Blocking Peptide - 33R-3117 from Fitzgerald

Category Peptide
Prices $130.00
Sizes 100 µg

ZNF75A - H00007627-P01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

ZNF75A - H00007627-P01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Species Human

ZNF75A - H00007627-Q01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

ZNF75A - H00007627-Q01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Species Human

Zinc finger protein 75A, ZNF75A, Human, Recombinant - 19-CE51 from ARP American Research Products

Category Protein
Prices $169.00
Sizes 10 µg
Source E. coli
Species Human

Recombinant Human ZNF75A Protein - BP001738-CE51 from Syd Labs

Category Protein
Prices $180.00, $528.00, $2,640.00
Sizes 10 µg, 50 µg, 1 mg
Source E. coli-derived.
Species Human

Recombinant Human ZNF75A, His-tagged - ZNF75A-7742H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source E. coli
Species Human

Recombinant Human Zinc finger protein 75A(ZNF75A) - CSB-YP027013HU CSB-EP027013HU CSB-BP027013HU CSB-MP027013HU from Cusabio

Category Protein
Source Yeast or E.coli or Baculovirus or Mammalian cell
Species Human

ZNF75A - TP720551 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $299.00
Sizes 10 µg
Source E. coli
Species Human

Zinc finger protein 75A(ZNF75A) , Recombinant Protein - MBS1417396 from MyBioSource

Category Protein
Prices $1,640.00, $1,640.00, $2,105.00, $2,105.00
Sizes 1 mg (E-Coli), 100 µg (Baculovirus), 1 mg (Yeast), 100 µg (Mammalian-Cell)
Source E Coli or Yeast or Baculovirus or Mammalian Cell
Species Human

ZNF75A Recombinant Protein Antigen - NBP1-82020PEP from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $199.00
Sizes 100 µl
Source E.coli
Species Human

ZNF75A Peptide, Human - M34GP18283H from Creative Peptides

Category Peptide
Source Synthetic.
Species Human

Zinc Finger Protein 75A Recombinant Protein - 92-017 from ProSci

Category Protein
Prices $525.00
Sizes 50 µg
Source E. coli
Species Human

Human ZNF75A protein - orb392739 from Biorbyt

Category Protein
Prices $374.00, $901.00, $3,536.00
Sizes 10 μl (Trial size), 50 μl, 500 μl
Species Human

Recombinant Human Zinc Finger Protein 75A,ZNF75A (N-6His) - AP75717 from Signalway Antibody

Category Protein
Prices $349.00, $749.00, $2,289.00, $3,209.00
Sizes 10 µg, 50 µg, 500 µg, 1 mg
Source E.coli
Species Human
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