Gene Symbol ITGAV
Entrez Gene 3685
Alt Symbol CD51, MSK8, VNRA, VTNR
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description integrin, alpha V
Other Description antigen identified by monoclonal antibody L230|integrin alpha-V|integrin alphaVbeta3|integrin, alpha V (vitronectin receptor, alpha polypeptide, antigen CD51)|vitronectin receptor subunit alpha
Swissprots B0LPF4 P06756 A0AV67 Q59EB7 D3DPG8 B7Z883 B7ZLX0 Q53SK4 E7EWZ6 Q6LD15
Accessions AAA20462 AAA61631 AAG03000 AAY24257 ABY87533 AGC09592 EAX10933 EAX10934 P06756 AB209894 BAD93131 AK302550 BAG63819 AK302990 BAH13869 AK309711 BC047454 BC072686 BC126231 AAI26232 BC136442 AAI36443 BC144100 AAI44101 BQ101180 BQ129340 CB962576 CN409399 DA736912 EF560727 ABQ59037 M14648 AAA36808 N83286 XM_006712513 XP_006712576 NM_001144999 NP_001138471 NM_001145000 NP_001138472 NM_002210 NP_002201
Function The alpha-V (ITGAV) integrins are receptors for vitronectin, cytotactin, fibronectin, fibrinogen, laminin, matrix metalloproteinase-2, osteopontin, osteomodulin, prothrombin, thrombospondin and vWF. They recognize the sequence R-G-D in a wide array of ligands. In case of HIV-1 infection, the interaction with extracellular viral Tat protein seems to enhance angiogenesis in Kaposi's sarcoma lesions.
Subcellular Location Membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein.
Top Pathways Proteoglycans in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Phagosome, Focal adhesion, Dilated cardiomyopathy

Human Integrin alpha V full length protein - ab114240 from Abcam

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ
Species Human
12.5% SDS-PAGE showing ab114240 at approximately 143.0kDa stained with Coomassie Blue.

Integrin alpha V peptide - ab94839 from Abcam

Category Peptide

ITGAV/Integrin Alpha V/CD51 Antibody Blocking Peptide - LS-E23540 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category Peptide
Prices $145.00
Sizes 100 µg

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V/CD51 Protein - H00003685-P01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $369.00, $529.00
Sizes 10 µg, 25 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human
Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V/CD51 Protein [H00003685-P01] - 12.5% SDS-PAGE Stained with Coomassie Blue.

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V/CD51 Protein - H00003685-G01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Protein
Prices $419.00
Sizes 2 µg
Source Wheat Germ
Species Human

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V beta 6, CF - 3817-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V beta 3, CF - 3050-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V beta 5, CF - 2528-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Human Integrin alpha V beta 1, CF - 6579-AV-025 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Mouse Integrin alpha V beta 6, CF - 7480-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Mouse Integrin alpha V beta 5, CF - 7706-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Mouse Integrin alpha V beta 1, CF - 7705-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Mouse Integrin alpha V beta 8, CF - 8314-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Recombinant Mouse Integrin alpha V beta 3, CF - 7889-AV-050 from R&D Systems

Category Protein
Source Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, CHO-derived

Human ITGAV protein - orb245891 from Biorbyt

Category Protein
Prices $340.00, $629.00, $1,003.00, $1,556.00
Sizes 50 μg, 200 μg, 500 μg, 1 mg
Species Human

CD51 Blocking Peptide - abx062809 from Abbexa

Category Peptide
Species Human, Pig

CD51 / ITGAV - H00003685-G01 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $550.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

CD51 / ITGAV - H00003685-P01-10 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $380.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

CD51 / ITGAV - H00003685-P01-25 from Acris Antibodies

Category Protein
Prices $500.00
Sizes 25 µg
Species Human

ITGAV fusion protein - ag16359 from Proteintech Group

Category Protein
Source E. coli-derived, PGEX-4T
Species Human

Recombinant Human EFNB3, Fc Chimera - EFNB3-713H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source NSO cells
Species Human

Recombinant Human GCNT1, His-tagged - GCNT1-714H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source NSO cells
Species Human

Recombinant Human GDF1 - GDF1-715H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source CHO cells
Species Human

Recombinant Human ITGAV - ITGAV-26862TH from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source Wheat germ

Recombinant Human ITGAVB3 - ITGAVB3-103H from Creative Biomart

Category Protein
Source CHO Cells
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