Gene Symbol AFM
Entrez Gene 173
Alt Symbol ALB2, ALBA, ALF
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description afamin
Other Description alpha-Alb|alpha-albumin
Swissprots A8K3E1 Q4W5C5 Q32MR3 P43652
Accessions AAC50720 AAY41051 EAX05682 P43652 AK290556 BAF83245 BC109020 AAI09021 BC109021 AAI09022 L35486 AAA68197 L35497 AAA68198 L35498 AAA68199 NM_001133 NP_001124
Function Vitamin E binding protein. May transport vitamin E in body fluids under conditions where the lipoprotein system is not sufficient. May be involved in the regulation and transport of vitamin E at the blood-brain barrier. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:12463752, ECO:0000269|PubMed:15952736, ECO:0000269|PubMed:19046407}.
Subcellular Location Secreted.
Tissue Specificity High level detected in plasma but also in extravascular fluids such as follicular and cerebrospinal fluids (at protein level). {ECO:0000269|PubMed:15952736}.

SimpleChIP ® Human AFM Intron 1 Primers - 5098 from Cell Signaling Technology

Category ChIP Kit
Prices $102.00
Sizes 500 µl (250 PCR reactions)
SimpleChIP ® Human AFM Intron 1 Primers were tested on DNA isolated from cross-linked cells using the SimpleChIP ® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Magnetic Beads) #9003. Real-time PCR was performed in duplicate on a serial dilution of 2% total input DNA (20 ng, 4 ng, 0.8 ng, and 0.16 ng) using a real-time PCR detection system and SYBR ® Green reaction mix. The PCR amplification efficiency (E) and correlation coefficient (R 2 ) were calculated based on the corresponding threshold cycle (C T ) of each dilution sample during 40 cycles of real-time PCR (95°C denaturation for 15 sec, 60°C anneal/extension for 60 sec).

Human AFM / Afamin ELISA Kit (Sandwich ELISA) - LS-F6400 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $720.00
Sizes 1 plate
Sensitivity 1.43 ng/ml
Range 3.13-200 ng/ml

Rat AFM / Afamin ELISA Kit (Competitive EIA) - LS-F9105 from LifeSpan Bioscience

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $780.00
Sizes 1 plate
Sensitivity 0.93 ng/ml
Range 3.13-200 ng/ml

Human Afamin DuoSet ELISA - DY8065-05 from R&D Systems

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $299.00
Sizes 1 kit (for 5 Plates)
Range 78.10 - 5,000 pg/mL

Human Afamin ELISA Kit - abx150583 from Abbexa

Category ELISA Kit
Sensitivity 42.51 pg/ml
Range 93.75 pg/ml - 6000 pg/ml

Afamin (AFM), Human, ELISA Kit - CSB-EL001419HU from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00, $695.00, $696.00, $699.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t, 5 x 96t, 10 x 96t

Afamin (AFM), Human, ELISA Kit - SEC284Hu from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $720.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity 42.51pg/mL
Range 93.75-6,000pg/mL

Afamin (AFM), Human, ELISA Kit - E01A1306 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $535.00, $735.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t

Afamin, AFM, Human, ELISA Kit - E9608h from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $660.00
Sizes 96 t
Range 0.312-20 ng/mL

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS094217 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS106551 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity 0.1 ng/ml.
Range 0.625 ng/ml - 20 ng/ml.

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS069500 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS087684 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS918191 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $250.00, $495.00, $710.00, $2,705.00, $5,145.00
Sizes 24 -strip-wells (Limit 1), 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity <0.97 ng/ml
Range 3.9 ng/ml-250 ng/ml

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS093361 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS089796 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin, ELISA Kit - MBS088809 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $435.00, $600.00, $2,650.00, $5,205.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS2024204 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $405.00, $605.00, $820.00, $3,375.00, $6,125.00
Sizes 24 -strip-wells, 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity Typically less than 0.93ng/mL.
Range 2.47-200ng/mL

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7217736 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7208290 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7233423 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS2021788 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $380.00, $565.00, $765.00, $3,130.00, $5,670.00
Sizes 24 -strip-wells, 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity Typically less than 1.43ng/mL.
Range 3.13-200ng/mL

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7234723 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7241898 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Afamin (AFM), ELISA Kit - MBS7226293 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
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