
Gene Symbol Cxcl1
Entrez Gene 14825
Alt Symbol Fsp, Gro1, KC, Mgsa, N51, Scyb1, gro
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1
Other Description C-X-C motif chemokine 1|GRO1 oncogene|KC/GR)-alpha|KC/GRO-alpha|alpha-chemokine|growth-regulated alpha protein|platelet-derived growth factor-inducible protein KC|secretory protein N51
Swissprots P12850
Accessions AAB03376 AAP32036 EDL05301 P12850 AF352782 AK140312 BC037997 AAH37997 BC132502 AAI32503 BC132504 AAI32505 BQ031102 BY335927 J04596 AAA40131 NM_008176 NP_032202
Function Has chemotactic activity for neutrophils. Contributes to neutrophil activation during inflammation (By similarity). Hematoregulatory chemokine, which, in vitro, suppresses hematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. KC(5-72) shows a highly enhanced hematopoietic activity. {ECO:0000250, ECO:0000269|PubMed:10725737}.
Subcellular Location Secreted.
Top Pathways Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, NOD-like receptor signaling pathway, Chemokine signaling pathway, Salmonella infection, Legionellosis

GRO alpha (CXCL1) Mouse ELISA Kit - ab100717 from Abcam

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $489.00
Sizes 1 x 96 tests
Sensitivity < 1 pg/ml
Range 0.614 pg/ml - 150 pg/ml
Representative standard curve using ab100717

Mouse KC / CXCL1 ELISA Kit - RAB0117 from Sigma-Aldrich

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $423.50
Sizes 1 kt
<B>Standard Curve</B><BR/>: Typical Standard Curve for Mouse KC / CXCL1 ELISA Kit, <B>Cat. No. RAB0117</B>. The standard curve(s) displayed are for demonstration only. A standard curve must be run with each assay.

KC ELISA Kit (Mouse) : 96 Wells (OKAG00090) - OKAG00090 from Aviva Systems Biology

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $390.00
Sizes 96 wells
Sensitivity 8 pg/mL
Range 8-1,000 pg/mL

Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1 (melanoma growth stimulating activity, alpha) (CXCL1), Mouse, ELISA Kit - CSB-E17286m from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $550.00, $790.00, $791.00, $794.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t, 5 x 96t, 10 x 96t

CXCL1 / GROa, Mouse, ELISA Kit - BEK1033 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $629.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity < 1pg/ml
Range 15.6 pg/ml-1000 pg/ml

CXCL1, Mouse, ELISA Kit - PB-0723 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $449.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity < 1 pg/ml
Range 15.6pg/ml-1000pg/ml

GRO/KC, Mouse, ELISA Kit - 27137 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $733.00
Sizes 96 t
Range 23.44 ~ 1,500 pg/mL

Growth-regulated alpha protein, Cxcl1, Mouse, ELISA Kit - E1210m from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $496.00
Sizes 96 t
Range 31.2-2000 pg/mL

Keinocyte chemoattractant (KC), Mouse, ELISA Kit - E03K0088 from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $535.00, $735.00
Sizes 48 t, 96 t

Neutrophil Activating Protein 3 (NAP3), Mouse, ELISA Kit - SEA041Mu from ARP American Research Products

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $596.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity 5.8pg/mL
Range 15.6-1,000pg/mL

Neutrophil Activating Protein 3 (NAP3), Mouse, CLIA Kit - SCA041Mu from ARP American Research Products

Category CLIA Kit
Prices $864.00
Sizes 96 t
Sensitivity 5.4pg/mL
Range 15.6-1,000pg/mL

CXCL1 (Mouse) ELISA kit - KA0553 from Acris Antibodies

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $650.00
Sizes 1 kit

Mouse Fractalkine ELISA - ELM-Fractalkine from RayBiotech

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $390.00, $702.00, $1,561.00
Sizes 1 plate kit, 2 plate kit, 5 plate kit
Sensitivity 300 pg/ml
Range 0.3 ng/ml - 200 ng/ml
Mouse Fractalkine ELISA Standard Curve

Mouse KC ELISA - ELM-KC from RayBiotech

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $390.00, $702.00, $1,561.00
Sizes 1 plate kit, 2 plate kit, 5 plate kit
Sensitivity 1 pg/ml
Range 1 pg/ml - 150 pg/ml
Mouse KC ELISA Standard Curve

LEGENDplex™ Mouse CXCL1 (KC) Capture Bead A8, 13X - 740096 from Biolegend

Prices $100.00
Sizes 100 tests

Mouse GROa/MGSA ELISA Kit - MG0369 from NeoScientific

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00
Sizes 96 t

Mouse FSP ELISA Kit - MF0257 from NeoScientific

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00
Sizes 96 t

Mouse BGOy/MGSA ELISA Kit - MB0667 from NeoScientific

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $495.00
Sizes 96 t

Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 1, ELISA Kit - MBS7216716 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 1, ELISA Kit - MBS7208338 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 1, ELISA Kit - MBS7211413 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 1, ELISA Kit - MBS7240104 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells

Chemokine C-X-C-Motif Ligand 1, ELISA Kit - MBS7215025 from MyBioSource

Category ELISA Kit
Prices $470.00, $675.00, $2,925.00, $5,490.00
Sizes 48 -strip-wells, 96 -strip-wells, 5x96-strip-wells, 10x96-strip-wells
Sensitivity 0.1 ng/mL.
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