
Gene Symbol Ube2a
Entrez Gene 22209
Alt Symbol HHR6A, HR6A, Mhr6a
Species Mouse
Gene Type protein-coding
Description ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A
Other Description RAD6 homolog A|ubiquitin carrier protein A|ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 A|ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A (RAD6 homolog)|ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2A, RAD6 homolog|ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme HR6A|ubiquitin-protein ligase A
Swissprots Q9Z255
Accessions AAL49960 EDL28980 EDL28981 EDL28982 Q9Z255 AF089812 AAC64563 AF383148 AAK62984 AK133723 BAE21800 AK150417 BAE29541 AK153327 BAE31906 AK160527 BAE35845 AK160538 BAE35855 AK160545 BAE35862 AK163966 BAE37558 AK164074 BAE37614 BC026053 AAH26053 NM_019668 NP_062642
Function Accepts ubiquitin from the E1 complex and catalyzes its covalent attachment to other proteins. In association with the E3 enzyme BRE1 (RNF20 and/or RNF40), it plays a role in transcription regulation by catalyzing the monoubiquitination of histone H2B at 'Lys-120' to form H2BK120ub1. H2BK120ub1 gives a specific tag for epigenetic transcriptional activation, elongation by RNA polymerase II, telomeric silencing, and is also a prerequisite for H3K4me and H3K79me formation. In vitro catalyzes 'Lys-11', as well as 'Lys-48'-linked polyubiquitination. Required for postreplication repair of UV-damaged DNA (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Top Pathways Ubiquitin mediated proteolysis

Recombinant Ubiquitin Conjugating Enzyme E2A (UBE2A) - RPB063Mu01 from Cloud-clone

Category Protein
Source E.coli
Species Mouse
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