Gene Symbol RAD18
Entrez Gene 56852
Alt Symbol RNF73
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description RAD18 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
Other Description E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase RAD18|RAD18 homolog|RAD18, S. cerevisiae, homolog|RING finger protein 73|hHR18|hRAD18|postreplication repair protein RAD18|postreplication repair protein hRAD18p
Swissprots Q9NRT6 Q58F55 Q9NS91
Accessions AAX44049 EAW63948 EAW63949 Q9NS91 AB035274 BAA99284 AF169796 AAF80856 AK023075 BAB14392 AK123966 AK222771 BAD96491 AY004333 AAF86618 BC001302 AAH01302 DQ891197 ABM82123 DQ894380 ABM85306 DW433240 NM_020165 NP_064550
Function E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase involved in postreplication repair of UV-damaged DNA. Postreplication repair functions in gap- filling of a daughter strand on replication of damaged DNA. Associates to the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UBE2B to form the UBE2B-RAD18 ubiquitin ligase complex involved in mono- ubiquitination of DNA-associated PCNA on 'Lys-164'. Has ssDNA binding activity. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:17108083, ECO:0000269|PubMed:21659603}.
Subcellular Location Nucleus {ECO:0000250}.

RAD18-Over-expression-Lysate - LY16270a from Abgent, a WuXi AppTec company

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $325.00
Sizes 100 µg
Western blot analysis of his-tag RAD18 (arrow) using his tag antibody. 293T cell lysates (2 ug/lane) either nontransfected (Lane 1) or transiently transfected with the RAD18 gene‘

RAD18 293T Cell Transient Overexpression Lysate(Denatured) - H00056852-T01 from Acris Antibodies

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $320.00
Sizes 100 µl

RAD18 overexpression lysate - LY402768 from Acris Antibodies

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $280.00
Sizes 100 µg

RAD18 293 Cell Lysate - 402409 from ABBIOTEC

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $392.00
Sizes 100 µg

RAD18 Overexpression Lysate (Native) - NBL1-15113 from Novus Biologicals

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $329.00
Sizes 100 µg
Western Blot: RAD18 Overexpression Lysate (Adult Normal) [NBL1-15113] Left-Empty vector transfected control cell lysate (HEK293 cell lysate); Right -Over-expression Lysate for RAD18.

RAD18 Over-expression Lysate Product - GWB-2AEF08 from Genway Biotech

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $346.00
Sizes 100 µg
Species Human

RAD18 Overexpression Lysate (Denatured) - H00056852-T01 from Novus Biologicals

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $279.00
Sizes 100 µl

RAD18 Overexpression Lysate (Denatured) - H00056852-T02 from Novus Biologicals

Category Cell Lysate
Prices $299.00
Sizes 100 µl

Panoply™ Human RAD18 Knockdown Stable Cell Line - CSC-DC012905 from Creative biogene

Category Cell Line
Species Human
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