Gene Symbol LRP6
Entrez Gene 4040
Alt Symbol ADCAD2
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6
Other Description LRP-6|low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6
Swissprots O75581 Q17RZ2
Accessions AAD21410 CCF76957 CDM49020 EAW96253 O75581 AA126261 AB209683 BAD92920 AF074264 AAC33006 AK074543 BAG51971 AK074902 BAG52027 AK094666 AK124760 BC029941 BC117136 AAI17137 BC126405 AAI26406 BC143725 AAI43726 BP229563 XM_006719078 XP_006719141 XM_011520671 XP_011518973 XM_011548873 XP_011547175 XM_011548874 XP_011547176 XR_429034 XR_429035 XR_953254 XR_953255 NM_002336 NP_002327
Function Component of the Wnt-Fzd-LRP5-LRP6 complex that triggers beta-catenin signaling through inducing aggregation of receptor- ligand complexes into ribosome-sized signalsomes. Cell-surface coreceptor of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, which plays a pivotal role in bone formation. The Wnt-induced Fzd/LRP6 coreceptor complex recruits DVL1 polymers to the plasma membrane which, in turn, recruits the AXIN1/GSK3B-complex to the cell surface promoting the formation of signalsomes and inhibiting AXIN1/GSK3- mediated phosphorylation and destruction of beta-catenin. Required for posterior patterning of the epiblast during gastrulation (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Subcellular Location Membrane; Single-pass type I membrane protein. Endoplasmic reticulum. Note=On Wnt signaling, undergoes a cycle of caveolin- or clathrin-mediated endocytosis and plasma membrane location. Released from the endoplasmic reticulum on palmitoylation. Mono-ubiquitination retains it in the endoplasmic reticulum in the absence of palmitoylation. On Wnt signaling, phosphorylated, aggregates and colocalizes with AXIN1 and GSK3B at the plasma membrane in LRP6-signalsomes. Chaperoned to the plasma membrane by MESD (By similarity). {ECO:0000250}.
Tissue Specificity Widely coexpressed with LRP5 during embryogenesis and in adult tissues.
Top Pathways Wnt signaling pathway

Mouse LRP-6 (NP_032540) VersaClone cDNA - RDC1041 from R&D Systems

Prices $799.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Mouse

Human LRP-6 (NP_002327) VersaClone cDNA - RDC1007 from R&D Systems

Prices $799.00
Sizes 10 µg
Species Human

LRP6 - MBS1266721 from MyBioSource

Species Human
Accession BC117136

Human LRP6 ORF clone (NM_002336.2) - CDCL128427 from Creative biogene

Species Human

Human LRP6 ORF Clone (BC117136) - CDCS410750 from Creative biogene

Species Human
Accession O75581
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